Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Ethan played coach pitch this summer and enjoyed it very much!  He is the proud winner of the only dollar bill the coach had to part with!  He had promised it to anyone who caught a fly ball.  That face?  It is the only camera face he knows this summer.

Have you met Toby?  I'm alot more fond of this expensive mutt since he has POTTY TRAINED!!  I'm so PROUD, so very inordinately proud when he toddles off to do his thing.  He still has all his manic puppy energy though, and is cuter than cute.  Holy Cow.  He loves Roger best, and I feel like I should get them a room when Roger comes home from work.  The Looooooooooove!  He hardly barks at all, and follows me around the house, shredding any piece of paper he gets.  My back yard is currently carpeted with shredded paper plates, my bedroom with toilet paper.

These are the fireworks that Uncle Rick bought.  When Roger got a job in time for the 24th, the FIRST thing he bought was MORE fireworks. It's a sickness.   (I admit, I ran out and bought some yarn.  a sickness, I tell you!) 

Ethan lovingly took about a thousand pictures of the firework aftermath, so I felt I should include one for journaling purposes.

Here starts the Yellowston pictures.  What you can't see here is a mother elk stomping the everyloving hooey out of some poor campers tent.  Roger has a video, I'll try to post it, but not today.  Baby steps.

Roger has discovered he is sensitive to fire smoke, and usually gets a migraine and a miserable snotty night out of the deal.  Thats a heck of a note for a serial scoutmaster, no?  Anyway, he loves his propane stove.

The handsome happy campers! 

This is what any walk with Ethan looks like.

Ethan had his hat inside out in every picture.

Right after this picture, the buffalo rolled over and plopped down so dramatically they thought he died.   It was anticlimactic when they later saw his tail flick. 

A study in handsome.

Handsome, AND goofy.

This cracks me up.  Even though the colors of the Mammoth Falls have really dried up,  I guess Ethan can be enough color for everybody.

Yep, this is the camera face for the summer


Brandon told me he was terrified here.  But he jumped anyway!

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