Sunday, January 16, 2011

My yarn

Ha!  Sounds like I have an actual interesting story to tell, but this is a yarn about my yarn.  As in my yarn stash.   My storage system (buncha boxes piled on top of each other) has caused me grief over the years.  I'd have to move all the boxes to get to the one I wanted, or search them ALL because the ball I wanted wasn't there.  Of course I'd never actually put stuff away where it belonged because (see the previous  sentence.)

So there I was, ready to work on Roger's felted slippers for Christmas, but I couldn't find 2 of the balls I purchased for the project.  I ripped the place to shreds looking for them, snort snort, no luck.  With MUCH aggravation I start a different pattern, a lunch bag, because his old one is disgusting.  Then right at the end I ran out of yarn anyway!  I found something mighty close to finish up, and he got an actual surprise present to open on Christmas day.  But Christmas eve, what did I find?  Well of course!, the missing 2 balls.    

See how the flap has a slightly different color and texture?

Roger just said "you don't need to get my tired haggard face in there"  and I hugged him because I KNOW!  Every time I see my picture I think how dreadfully tired and old I look!  For the record though, I think he's still handsome as ever.

So!!  Here' Ricks Christmas slippers halfway felted.  One of these things is not like the other.  Apparently I had grabbed something that wasn't wool to finish up one of the slippers.  I trimmed off the offending parts, and trimmed the good one to match (gotta love felted wool) but then I had to look with a jaundiced eye at all the rest of the black balls I had gathered up to make Brandon's slippers with.  After much burning of fibers (acrylic melts- peee you! and wool turns to ash and smells like burning hair) and making of swatches to felt, I got that all sorted out. 

But enough is enough, and that certainly was enough, and here's the result:
Organized by fiber, easily accessed,  and tidy.  Success!  I need to put some paper in the front of each drawer to block the sun. 

Here's another shot.  I like how the humble yarn balances out all the high tech on the desk. Yin, yang and good chi!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The days are rushing by double-time!  Relentless: whole new day, start the dishwasher, blink, make supper, blink, watch the snowflakes, blink, bed-time already.  I know we all have the same amount of hours in a day; mine might possibly on a faster space/time continuum setting?  I would like such an excuse.  I would hate to think I'm just slow.

Here's a hat I've made 4 times in the past little while, but I remembered to get some pics of this one before I gave it away.
Pattern: Amelia (in Ravelry) Yarn: Dark Horse Fantasy Acrylic

Beautiful Boy and his beautiful sister.

I also made a scarf/hat combo for my Dad's birthday, and 2 dickeys for my Mom for hers, and forgot to get pictures of THOSE.  (Any chance of an action shot, you guys?)  I really do WANT to journal my evaporating days, I WILL get better.

Here's some pictures of our Christmas decoration making party.  I ordered little kits from Oriental Trading company, and they pretty much rocked!  Cheap, easy and fun!  No, no pics to prove it though.  Here's lunch....

This picture is after Ethan gave them all their marshmallow guns he's been herniating over since he made them at the Relief Society Super Saturday.  It was a real pleasure to watch him be so excited to give to others!

All your cute are belong to me!

Here's a story about a scarf which will be interesting to only one person besides myself.  The other one of you should really skip this part.  Leslie (please pretend you're interested.  I've tried explaining it to Roger, and his smile was mighty glazed and polite) - remember that beautiful green scarf I started?   (Scrappy Lengthwise Scarf by Twirl Girl Fibers - It was free when I started the scarf, but I noticed she's charging for it now)  Well, the incredibly easy stitch involves bringing the yarn to the front every other stitch, a fact which I forgot every third time I picked it up to knit.  6 really long rows later, and I'd be scratching my head, wha?  frog, frog, frog.  After a year of intermittent puzzlement and disgust, I ripped out the whole darn thang and made a kid sized garterstitch scarf.  Humph.

But I really, really love the colors, and someday.............