Sunday, December 19, 2010


I just walked by the front room, now the Christmas tree room, where I saw Ethan curled up on a chair, reading. Reading what he just found on the bookshelves, titled: How babies are made. I see conversations in my future.

Moon has decided that Toby must not be going anywhere, so she had better work a little harder to get hers. Consequently, she is haunting me around the house and rubbing up against my leg every second that Toby isn’t in sight. Formerly pretty quiet, she’s much more “meowy” and “keyboard jumpy” now that there is (apparently) a scarcity of loving attention. Maybe she has a point, because I’m trying to type this with Toby in my lap – which is not MY idea!

Last Sunday we had gotten subs for our classes, because we were going to a nephew’s (Morgan Stanley) mission farewell. But Roger woke up with a migraine, and proceeded to barf for the next 4 hours. At one point he PASSED OUT! So I called the instacare to see if they had something to help him (I was thinking pain meds and Phenergan) but they said if he had passed out they didn’t want him and we should go the ER. He wouldn’t go, so I gave him the “one more time” ultimatum, and that must have done the trick. He finally held down the ibuprofen, slept for 3 hours, wobbled to the couch to weep through Hachi, A Dogs Tale with us, then went to choir practice, tithing settlement, a meeting with the councelors, and by the end of the day was running around the lawn after Ethan. Sheesh.

But now I know there’s an instacare open on Sunday’s in Orem, and Phenergan suppository’s are a prescription item that I need to get my hands on and keep on hand.

So here we are a week later, and to keep on with a theme – Ethan woke up yesterday at 4 in the buttcrackadon, and proceeded to keep us advised on how bad his stomach felt, until he finally barfed about 7 am. He was livid when I made him go back to bed after that, and we all slept till noon. OOOOOOhhh yeah!

I’ve been Christmassing, knitting, reading Gregor the Underlander series, and my whole house looks like this.

Cluttered, misplaced, piled up, shoved, procrastinated, high enough that Toby can't chew on it.  At least the man is cute! And the Christmas tree is pretty.

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