Sunday, November 21, 2010

We had a special stake conference today, wherein the stake was not split, we just had the cool opportunity to have a General Authority speak to us: Elder Gerrit Gong.  I think it would have been pretty awesome, but the internet didn't have the spirit (I'm quoting the guy trying to fix it, not just being flip, which, I don't really mind being flip, but it wasn't me this time, I'd just like you to know that) and there were problems with the feed to our stake center for a good chunk of the program.  But the part I heard was indeed good.

Since Roger took the scouts camping this Friday, he had to purchase a 3 day pass up the canyons. So after church we got a wild hair and decided to drive up and see the beauties of the wintery mountain landscape.  Since it was lunch time, the trip morphed into us heating cans of chili on a propane stove in a driving stinging blizzard.  Truly.  We drove up on wet, bare road, and in the hour or so we were up there, the roads were covered with at least 2 inches. Placed sideways at times.  It was beautiful and humbling, like a good trip to the wilderness ought to be.  As we froze our body parts off for all of 10 minutes before getting back in the car to eat, we pondered on the plight of the pioneers, without polar fleece, propane stoves and thinsulate boots, trying to make the journey with children, babies, and little food. It's just incomprehensible. I don't even ............  how? could you ever DO that?

What a heritage of faith we have.

Ethan is wearing my coat, cuz he forgot his, which explains why I'm in the car taking the picture.

Bonnie treated me to a free Harry Potter movie on Saturday. She had 2 free tickets, and she and Ava were going to go together, until she was prompted not to take Ava.  I, for one, was pretty tickled to go, and I totally agree; definitely not child-level cruelty and dread.  At least on the overwhelming, uncleanflicked big screen.   But it was really well done, in my opinion, and completely nailed the feelings I got from reading the book.  I haven't read the book since I re-read it shortly after it came out, so I can't say how faithful to the nit picking it got - but wow!  I do wish it had had a few more laughs, (I think it had 2).  It put me on to the feeling of poor Frodo, struggling to Mordor, but with a magic tent.

PS.  You would think, would you not, that with frozen drinking water and snow on the ground, the dog would NOT want to go in and out 40 times an evening to lick the frozen water, but would want to stay IN, and drink actual drinkable water.  You would be wrong.


  1. I was afraid you were going to get to the end of that post without mentioning the dog. You did not let me down. Thanks!

    So the reason you missed choir practice Sunday was that you were having a pioneer experience? As long as it was spiritual!

    I wish Frodo had had a magic tent. Maybe then he wouldn't have gotten asthma and turned all scary looking at the end. Oh well. He was having his own pioneer experience, I guess.

  2. Not to be picky... (only it IS picky) but you forgot a title. Also.. judging by the crowd at the theater, you and I are some of the few who are NOT taking their kids to HP.

  3. Ha! 49 years as a certified cat person, and I never blogged about my cats. That's just sad. I've been confunded by dog breath!

    No, we completely spaced choir. (See, confunded)

    No title (CONFUNDED!!!!)

    No "kidding" HA HA HA HA IM KILLING MYSELF! If I could've only shoot lazer beams out of my eyes, there would have been crispy parents there.
