Monday, October 11, 2010

A Public Service

This summer I've been absolutely pathetic on the canning front, I've canned exactly nothing.  But the following recipe is so easy, I've put away batch after batch of this roasted tomato sauce.  It is SO GOOD people, SO GOOD!!  It makes my mouth water thinking of it.  This real recipe is here: .   I love love love Dali Mama's writing and recipes!   But here's the Robbie version.   First, ya pick em.  I stop after I fill this giant silver bowl, because it's just about right to fill 2 cookie sheets, which in turn is all that will fit in the oven. 

Then you cut them in half face down on a cookie sheet.  Sprinkle on a sliced onion, 2-3 smashed garlic cloves, and drizzle on some olive oil.  Salt, pepper, a swish of sugar, italian spices if you want  (sometimes I do, sometimes I don't.  It just depends on how fast I'm pushing this thru), then bake for 2 hours at 375 degrees. 

Well, this is an example of what not to do, small bear, these ones were overcooked because I forgot to switch the pans 1/2 way thru, and they were a little hard to scrape off the  cookie sheet, but still delicious nonetheless.  I scrape them all into the blender, blend the heck out of it, then freeze 2 cup servings in ziplocs.  The real recipe says you can use a food mill to sieve out the skins and seeds, but I've never needed to, the blender takes care of it just fine.  Bonmama has tried this, and she said it was so creamy she just went ahead and made tomato soup with it.  Several other people I've recommended this to have become converts, so I thought I'd just spread the lycopene love.

You're welcome.


  1. Yeah... just the one batch tho. The rest are all solidly in the "sauce" family. My kids EAT this stuff up, and I can feel all righteous that I have used my garden produce plus fed them so wholesomely. Even DADGUY will eat it!

  2. ... if you find a jar or two of this missing after I come visit.... It probably was me :)

  3. Cooking right now. Thanks for the recipe!

