Monday, July 18, 2011

For one brief shining moment

Ok, SOME people have already made fun of me (Darrell, I'm looking at you) but when things get me down, I can open my pantry and totally find my (you name it) in a second flat!  This gives me a happy, big time.  Everything's labeled too, which I used to do to give the household a clue, but now I have to label things for ME just to be able to put things back in the right place.  Sigh.  

If you have 5 flyswatters, you can make/invite others to help you this next September, when the fly hordes descend.


  1. I am in awe. And I love your jars!

  2. Thanks! They are cheap Ikea and Wal(we want to rule the world)mart. To even things out, I DID buy the green containers from Target.
